Plowe and colleagues looked at a specific parasite protein, MSP-119, used in malaria vaccines. Plowe和他的同事研究了疟疾疫苗中使用的一种特殊蛋白MSP-119。
P.berghei is often used in laboratory work because it is easy to manipulate, but a lot of its properties are specific to that parasite and it is not always a good model for the human form, he said. 传播老鼠的疟疾病毒经常被用于试验阶段,因为这种病毒易于试验,但是这种病毒有其自己的特性并不是研究传染人类疟疾病毒的完全替代品。
One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA/ RNA helicases. 控制疟疾的一个可行的办法就是研制出通过阻断疟原虫生长有关的关键酶来抑制其生长的药物,比如通过阻断DNA/RNA解旋酶等。
The interaction between parasites and host intestinal mucosal enterocytes and the mechanism of nonspecific and specific immunity against parasite infection in the host's local intestinal mucosal tissue were reviewed in this paper. 该文就肠道寄生虫与宿主肠黏膜细胞之间的相互作用和宿主肠道黏膜局部抗寄生虫感染的非特异性免疫和特异性免疫机制等进行综述。
Annexin B1 contained specific amino acid residues of parasite. Annexin B1 and arthropod formed an independent branch in the species phylogenetic tree; nemathelminth, plant, Aves and vertebrate formed a branch; 在物种进化上,AnnexinB1和节肢动物为1支,新杆线虫、植物、鸟类和脊椎动物为1支,原虫、腔肠动物、两栖类和脊索动物为1支。
Malaria still remains a major health problem in many parts of the world. One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA/ RNA helicases. 疟疾目前仍然是世界上许多地方的一个主要的健康问题;控制疟疾的一个可行的办法就是研制出通过阻断疟原虫生长有关的关键酶来抑制其生长的药物,比如通过阻断DNA/RNA解旋酶等。